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Keys to the Kingdom - factions

Character line-up of the different political factions in my Game of Thrones inspired Dungeons and Dragons campaign, Keys to the Kingdom.
The identity of these factions are partially inspired by the Ravnican Guilds from Magic the Gathering.

Line-up of five different factions.

Line-up of five different factions.

Greenward, finished

Greenward, finished

Greenward, sketch

Greenward, sketch

Mosslow, finished

Mosslow, finished

Mosslow, sketch

Mosslow, sketch

Paldon, finished

Paldon, finished

Paldon, sketch

Paldon, sketch

Pitbrandt, finished

Pitbrandt, finished

Pitbrandt, sketch

Pitbrandt, sketch

Crowmere, finished

Crowmere, finished

Crowmere, sketch

Crowmere, sketch